ArtMonte Carlo

13 - 16 juillet 2022
ArtMonte Carlo - MONACO, France

Booth 10
July 14 – 16
Grimaldi Forum
10 avenue Princesse Grace, Monaco

Perrotin is pleased to return to artmonte-carlo with a selection of new paintings by American artist Danielle Orchard, who will have her first solo exhibition in Paris in September.

We also showcase Lee Bae’s latest series Issu du feu (White lines) shown earlier this year at our Paris gallery. 

Laurent Grasso presents some recent works including a painting from his series Studies Into The Past ahead of his major exhibition at the Collège des Bernardins, in October 2022.

Our booth also features a selection of works from Jean-Marie Appriou’s latest series Communionem Elementaris, first shown at his solo exhibition at Art Basel 2022. The Villa Medici is currently hosting a series of Appriou’s animal and plant sculptures inspired by fantastic worlds.

We are also pleased to present a new photograph by Sophie Calle titled The Ghosts of Orsay from her last solo exhibition at the Musée d’Orsay which just closed its doors. 

Finally, new works by Johan Creten, Mathilde Denize, Jens Fänge, Gabriel de La Mora, Xavier Veilhan, and Pieter Vermeersch are presented alongside a selection of works by Yves Laloy and Hans Hartung.

contacts presse
Coralie DAVID
Directrice Adjointe Presse et Communication
Attachée de presse
Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour télécharger les visuels disponibles pour la presse.


Jean-Marie APPRIOU
Flying rainbow (Big mouth), 2022
Aluminium et verre soufflé
Photographe: CLAIRE DORN
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Sophie CALLE
Les Fantômes d'Orsay - Les Coquelicots / Les Fantômes d'Orsay - Les Coquelicots , 2022
1 grande photographie couleur, 3 photographies N/B assemblées, 1 portrait N/B, 2 photographies couleur de taille moyenne, 2 textes et 1 note papier
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Danielle ORCHARD
Sunny Side, 2022
Oil on linen
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Philippe Zdar, 2022
Contreplaqué, peinture acrylique
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Mathilde DENIZE
Abstract forms, 2022
Huile sur toile, aquarelle sur toile, vinyle, velours, coquillages
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Issu du Feu (White Lines) W-43, 2021
Charbon and huile sur toile
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Laurent GRASSO
Studies into the Past,
Huile sur bois
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin


Vue de l'exposition "ArtMonte Carlo" à ArtMonte Carlo MONACO (France), 2022
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "ArtMonte Carlo" à ArtMonte Carlo MONACO (France), 2022
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "ArtMonte Carlo" à ArtMonte Carlo MONACO (France), 2022
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "ArtMonte Carlo" à ArtMonte Carlo MONACO (France), 2022
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "ArtMonte Carlo" à ArtMonte Carlo MONACO (France), 2022
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "ArtMonte Carlo" à ArtMonte Carlo MONACO (France), 2022
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "ArtMonte Carlo" à ArtMonte Carlo MONACO (France), 2022
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "ArtMonte Carlo" à ArtMonte Carlo MONACO (France), 2022
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "ArtMonte Carlo" à ArtMonte Carlo MONACO (France), 2022
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin