Art Basel Switzerland

14 - 19 juin 2022
Art Basel Switzerland - Basel, Suisse

June 14 - 19, 2022

For this new edition of Art Basel, Perrotin is pleased to participate with solo presentations by artists Jean-Marie Appriou, Johan Creten, Emi Kuraya, Hans Hartung and Lee Bae alongside new NFT paintings by Takashi Murakami. On this occasion, we also introduce our representation of the French painter Gérard Schneider’s estate with paintings from the 50's and the 70s.

Jean-Marie Appriou presents Communionem Elementaris, a new series of bronze, aluminum and glass sculptures. Inspired by painter Arnold Böcklin, these figures of sea creatures and fish highlight the symbiotic connection between earth, air and water. Starting June 25, the artist will unveil another new series of sculptures in the gardens of the Villa Medici in Rome.

We are also pleased to present a selection of drawings by Hans Hartung made between 1935 and 1938, a period that was both the hardest for Hartung, who had fled Nazi Germany, and imperative in the blossoming of his fame. These works on paper come from the Hartung- Bergman Foundation and constitute an exceptional ensemble of works that do not exist anywhere else on the market, including in institutions and private collections.

Other new works include sculptures by Johan Creten from the Odore di Femmina series, alongside abstract mural sculptures covered with lava glaze and recent bronzes from the complex, politically-charged work C’est dans ma nature (It’s in my nature).

We also feature brand new paintings by Emi Kuraya following her solo presentation at Perrotin Shanghai earlier this year.

Later during the fair, we will present Lee Bae’s latest series Brushstroke and Issu du feu (White lines) recently shown at the gallery in Paris.

In addition, we present a selection of recent works by Daniel Arsham, Cristina BanBan, Sophie Calle, Gabriel de la Mora, Mathilde Denize, Elmgreen & Dragset, Lionel Estève, Chen Fei, Bernard Frize, Laurent Grasso, Zach Harris, Thilo Heinzmann, JR, Bharti Kher, Jean-Michel Othoniel, Paola Pivi, Park Seo-Bo, Tavares Strachan, Xavier Veilhan, Pieter Vermeersch and Xiyao Wang who has currently her first solo exhibition at Perrotin Marais.

Our booth also features a selection of works by Anna-Eva Bergman, Alain Jacquet, Georges Mathieu and Jesús Rafael Soto.

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Coralie DAVID
Directrice Adjointe Presse et Communication
Attachée de presse
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Vue de l'exposition "Art Basel Switzerland" à Art Basel Switzerland Basel (Switzerland), 2022
Photographe: CLAIRE DORN
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Art Basel Switzerland 2022" à Art Basel Switzerland Basel (Switzerland), 2022 © Claire Dorn
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Art Basel Switzerland 2022" à Art Basel Switzerland Basel (Switzerland), 2022 © Claire Dorn
Photographe: CLAIRE DORN
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Art Basel Switzerland 2022" à Art Basel Switzerland Basel (Switzerland), 2022 © Claire Dorn
Photographe: CLAIRE DORN
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Art Basel Switzerland 2022" à Art Basel Switzerland Basel (Switzerland), 2022 © Claire Dorn
Photographe: CLAIRE DORN
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Art Basel Switzerland 2022" à Art Basel Switzerland Basel (Switzerland), 2022 © Claire Dorn
Photographe: CLAIRE DORN
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Art Basel Switzerland" à Art Basel Switzerland Basel (Switzerland), 2022
Photographe: CLAIRE DORN
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Art Basel Switzerland" à Art Basel Switzerland Basel (Switzerland), 2022
Photographe: CLAIRE DORN
©︎Emi Kuraya/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Courtesy Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Art Basel Switzerland" à Art Basel Switzerland Basel (Switzerland), 2022
Photographe: CLAIRE DORN
©︎Emi Kuraya/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Courtesy Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Art Basel Switzerland 2022" à Art Basel Switzerland Basel (Switzerland), 2022 © Claire Dorn
Photographe: CLAIRE DORN
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Art Basel Switzerland 2022" à Art Basel Switzerland Basel (Switzerland), 2022 © Claire Dorn
Photographe: CLAIRE DORN
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Art Basel Switzerland" à Art Basel Switzerland Basel (Switzerland), 2022
Photographe: CLAIRE DORN
©︎Emi Kuraya/Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Courtesy Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Art Basel Switzerland" à Art Basel Switzerland Basel (Switzerland), 2022
Photographe: CLAIRE DORN
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Art Basel Switzerland 2022" à Art Basel Switzerland Basel (Switzerland), 2022 © Claire Dorn
Photographe: CLAIRE DORN
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Art Basel Switzerland 2022" à Art Basel Switzerland Basel (Switzerland), 2022 © Claire Dorn
Photographe: CLAIRE DORN
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin