Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns die Jahre / A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us

29 septembre 2022 - 13 février 2023
Kunsthalle Praha - Prague, République tchèque

Kunsthalle Praha presents Gregor Hildebrandt: A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us („Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns die Jahre“) – covering over 20 years of the artist’s practice. Curated by Christelle Havranek, Chief Curator of Kunsthalle Praha, the exhibition also inaugurates a new programme of solo exhibitions by major living artists.

The show features over 80 works by the artist, of which several have been created specifically for Kunsthalle Praha’s exhibition. 

Over the course of the main exhibition, a selection of ‘shows’ by creatives that Hildebrandt has previously hosted in his studio in Berlin will be reproduced as sub-exhibitions in the space. 

Additionally, Hildebrandt will invite bands to perform at Kunsthalle Praha from Grzegorzki Records, an indie label he co-founded together with his partner Alicja Kwade. 

contacts presse
Coralie DAVID
Directrice Adjointe Presse et Communication
Attachée de presse
Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour télécharger les visuels disponibles pour la presse.


Vue de l'exposition "Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns die Jahre / A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us" curated by Christelle Havranek à Kunsthalle Praha Prague (Czech Republic), 2022
Photographe: Vojtěch Veškrna, Kunsthalle Praha
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns die Jahre / A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us" curated by Christelle Havranek à Kunsthalle Praha Prague (Czech Republic), 2022
Photographe: Vojtěch Veškrna, Kunsthalle Praha
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns die Jahre / A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us" curated by Christelle Havranek à Kunsthalle Praha Prague (Czech Republic), 2022
Photographe: Vojtěch Veškrna, Kunsthalle Praha
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns die Jahre / A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us" curated by Christelle Havranek à Kunsthalle Praha Prague (Czech Republic), 2022
Photographe: Vojtěch Veškrna, Kunsthalle Praha
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns die Jahre / A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us" curated by Christelle Havranek à Kunsthalle Praha Prague (Czech Republic), 2022
Photographe: Vojtěch Veškrna, Kunsthalle Praha
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns die Jahre / A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us" curated by Christelle Havranek à Kunsthalle Praha Prague (Czech Republic), 2022
Photographe: Vojtěch Veškrna, Kunsthalle Praha
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns die Jahre / A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us" curated by Christelle Havranek à Kunsthalle Praha Prague (Czech Republic), 2022
Photographe: Vojtěch Veškrna, Kunsthalle Praha
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns die Jahre / A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us" curated by Christelle Havranek à Kunsthalle Praha Prague (Czech Republic), 2022
Photographe: Vojtěch Veškrna, Kunsthalle Praha
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns die Jahre / A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us" curated by Christelle Havranek à Kunsthalle Praha Prague (Czech Republic), 2022
Photographe: Vojtěch Veškrna, Kunsthalle Praha
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns die Jahre / A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us" curated by Christelle Havranek à Kunsthalle Praha Prague (Czech Republic), 2022
Photographe: DSCF0370.jpg
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns die Jahre / A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us" curated by Christelle Havranek à Kunsthalle Praha Prague (Czech Republic), 2022
Photographe: Vojtěch Veškrna, Kunsthalle Praha
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns die Jahre / A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us" curated by Christelle Havranek à Kunsthalle Praha Prague (Czech Republic), 2022
Photographe: Vojtěch Veškrna, Kunsthalle Praha
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns die Jahre / A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us" curated by Christelle Havranek à Kunsthalle Praha Prague (Czech Republic), 2022
Photographe: Vojtěch Veškrna, Kunsthalle Praha
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition "Ein Wimpernschlag und hinter uns die Jahre / A Blink of an Eye and the Years are Behind Us" curated by Christelle Havranek à Kunsthalle Praha Prague (Czech Republic), 2022
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin