Abu Dhabi Art

Jean-Michel OTHONIEL, Xavier VEILHAN, Takashi MURAKAMI, Xiyao WANG, Daniel ARSHAM, LEE Bae, Hans HARTUNG, Jesús Rafael SOTO, Izumi KATO

16 - 20 novembre 2022
Abu Dhabi Art - Abu Dhabi, Émirats arabes unis

In parallel to the opening of its new gallery in Dubai, Perrotin is pleased to return to Abu Dhabi Art.

This edition, the gallery presents large-scale paintings by Xiyao Wang, sculptural works by Jean-Michel Othoniel, and historical paintings from the seventies by Hans Hartung in anticipation to his survey exhibition Revenge at Perrotin New York in January 2023.

The booth also showcases works by Daniel Arsham, Lee Bae, Izumi Kato, Takashi Murakami, Jesús Rafael Soto and Xavier Veilhan.

contacts presse
Coralie DAVID
Directrice Adjointe Presse et Communication
Attachée de presse
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Vue de l'exposition de groupe"Abu Dhabi Art " à Abu Dhabi Art Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), 2022
Photographe: Altamash Urooj
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition de groupe"Abu Dhabi Art " à Abu Dhabi Art Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), 2022
Photographe: Altamash Urooj
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition de groupe"Abu Dhabi Art " à Abu Dhabi Art Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), 2022
Photographe: Altamash Urooj
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Vue de l'exposition de groupe"Abu Dhabi Art " à Abu Dhabi Art Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), 2022
Photographe: Altamash Urooj
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin