ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair

Jean-Marie APPRIOU, Daniel ARSHAM, Sophie CALLE, CHEN Fei, Jean-Philippe DELHOMME, Jens FÄNGE, Bernard FRIZE, Mr., Laurent GRASSO, Anna-Eva BERGMAN, Jason BOYD KINSELLA, Mathilde DENIZE, Jane DICKSON, Hans HARTUNG, Thilo HEINZMANN, Gregor HILDEBRANDT, Kara JOSLYN, JR, Susumu KAMIJO, Klara KRISTALOVA, LEE Bae, Georges MATHIEU, Jean-Michel OTHONIEL, Matthew RONAY, Mark RYDEN, Gérard SCHNEIDER, SONG Kun, Kathia ST. HILAIRE, Claire TABOURET, QI Zhuo

10 - 13 novembre 2022
ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair - SHANGHAI, Chine

Perrotin is delighted to participate in 2022 ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art fair, presenting a curated selection of works by artists from its roster. In line with gallery global programs and artists’ recent projects, many new works will be shown at the booth.

Central to the booth, we will highlight a selection of new paintings and sculptures. Mark Ryden will present a painting from his latest series “Anima Animals,” depicting a mysterious creature inspired by European religious icons in a tranquil scenery that evokes the nostalgia of the lost Golden Age, as well as the present day. Chen Fei will debut a painting from his series, titled “Portrait,” marking his return to portraiture. Claire Tabouret’s large-scale landscape painting showcases her bold exploration into the material. And, a rare edition of Mr.’s sculpture collaboration with Pharrell Williams will also be on display.

Additionally, Perrotin will present a series of works by new artists to the gallery. Known as a major figure in New York City’s complex creative history, Jane Dickson came to prominence in the New York art world as a part of the late 70s and 80s alternative and punk art scene downtown. For ART021, she will bring works from her rarely exhibited Dreamland series from the early 2010s, depicting scenes of carnivals and amusement rides. This presentation follows an important inclusion of her works in “Somewhere Downtown: Art in 1980s New York”, a significant group exhibition that opened in October at the UCCA Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing. We will also present work by Susumu Kamijo, Jason Boyd Kinsella and Jean-Marie Appriou, whose first solo exhibition in China is currently on view at Perrotin Shanghai. Finally, we will highlight works by female artists in different generations, including Mathilde Denize, Kathia St. Hilaire, Kara Joslyn and Song Kun.

Perrotin’s booth will showcase a nested presentation of work by late pioneers of Lyrical Abstraction, Hans Hartung, Anna-Eva Bergman, Georges Mathieu, and Gérard Schneider. As the leading European abstract painters in history, these artists together contributed to the development of the lyrical abstract movement. The estates of Anna-Eva Bergmann and Gérard Schneider announced their collaborations with Perrotin earlier in 2022, with a solo exhibition of work by Anna-Eva Bergman at Perrotin New York and a solo booth of work by Gérard Schenider at Independent Art Fair.

Finally, we will present a selection of artworks by Daniel Arsham, Lee Bae, Sophie Calle, Jean-Philippe Delhomme, Bernard Frize, Jens Fänge, Laurent Grasso, Gregor Hildebrandt, Thilo Heinzmann, JR, Klara Kristalova, Jean-Michel Othoniel, and Matthew Ronay.

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Exhibition views at Perrotin Booth (W35), ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair 2022. Photo: Mengqi Bao ©Mr./Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Photographe: Mengqi Bao
Courtesy of the artists and Perrotin
Exhibition views at Perrotin Booth (W35), ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair 2022.
Photographe: Mengqi Bao
Courtesy of the artists and Perrotin
Exhibition views at Perrotin Booth (W35), ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair 2022.
Photographe: Mengqi Bao
Courtesy of the artists and Perrotin
Exhibition views at Perrotin Booth (W35), ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair 2022.
Photographe: Mengqi Bao
Courtesy of the artists and Perrotin
Exhibition views at Perrotin Booth (W35), ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair 2022.
Photographe: Mengqi Bao
Courtesy of the artists and Perrotin
Exhibition views at Perrotin Booth (W35), ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair 2022.
Photographe: Mengqi Bao
Courtesy of the artists and Perrotin
Exhibition views at Perrotin Booth (W35), ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair 2022.
Photographe: Mengqi Bao
Courtesy of the artist, Perrotin and Kasmin
Vue de l'exposition de groupe"ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair" à ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair SHANGHAI (China), 2022
Photographe: Mengqi Bao
Exhibition views at Perrotin Booth (W35), ART021 Shanghai Contemporary Art Fair 2022. Photo: Mengqi Bao ©Mr./Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Courtesy of the artists and Perrotin