The Sun Inside

18 mars - 15 avril 2023
76 rue de turenne 75003 Paris

La galerie Perrotin est heureuse de présenter la première exposition
de l’artiste japonais, basé à New York Susumu Kamijo à la galerie de
Paris. À cette occasion, l’artiste présente un nouvel ensemble de peintures
qui explore la psychologie de l’animal canin.

communiqué de presse
contacts presse
Coralie DAVID
Directrice Adjointe Presse et Communication
Attachée de presse
Inscrivez-vous ou connectez-vous pour télécharger les visuels disponibles pour la presse.


Joyful Play, 2023
Flashe vinyl and acrylic paint, pastel and graphite pencil on canvas
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Settle Down, 2022
Flashe vinyl and acrylic paint, pastel and graphite pencil on canvas
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Into the Day, 2022
Flashe vinyl and acrylic paint, pastel and graphite pencil on canvas
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Promenade, 2022
Flashe vinyl and acrylic paint, pastel and graphite pencil on canvas
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
Heading Out, 2023
Flashe vinyl and acrylic paint, pastel and graphite pencil on canvas
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin


Vue de l'exposition "The Sun Inside" de Susumu Kamijo à la galerie Perrotin, Paris 2023.
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
View of Susumu Kamijo's solo exhibition "The Sun Inside" at Perrotin Paris, 2023
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
View of Susumu Kamijo's solo exhibition "The Sun Inside" at Perrotin Paris, 2023
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
View of Susumu Kamijo's solo exhibition "The Sun Inside" at Perrotin Paris, 2023
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
View of Susumu Kamijo's solo exhibition "The Sun Inside" at Perrotin Paris, 2023
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
View of Susumu Kamijo's solo exhibition "The Sun Inside" at Perrotin Paris, 2023
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
View of Susumu Kamijo's solo exhibition "The Sun Inside" at Perrotin Paris, 2023
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin
View of Susumu Kamijo's solo exhibition "The Sun Inside" at Perrotin Paris, 2023
Photographe: Tanguy Beurdeley
Courtesy of the artist and Perrotin